2024 Tournament Rules
- All members must participate in pairing to be able to fish in club pot.
- Non-boaters fee will be a minimum of $50 of which $25 goes to the travel driver And $25 goes to Boater drawn.
(Fees vary on long trips and individual arrangements). - Blast off Safelight. Late arrivals after blast off only fish for points unless special circumstances. approved by tournament Director.
- Courtesy checks permitted before weighing in fish. Penalty for short fish will result in loss of that fish and your largest fish.
- Late for weigh in penalty will be the loss of 1(one)pound per minute And disqualification after 15(fifteen)minutes.
- Mandatory live wells check before tournaments.
- No alcoholic beverages or drugs allowed during Tournament hours.
- There is a 5(five )fish limit must cull upon the six fish being caught.
- Placing 6(six)fish into weigh in basket whether dead or alive at any time will result into a disqualification for that day.
- Dead fish penalty will be 4(four) ounces per fish.
- All dues and debts obligations must be paid in full to fish club Tournaments.
- Tournaments entry fee will be $50 per day per Tournament.
- Fish size is determined by length requirements of that lake.
- Missed Tournament fee of $5.00 may be paid at any time instead of waiting until end of year.
- Club attire mandatory during any Hawghunters sponsored events and Tournaments.